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Nature and Environment (31)
French Alps covered in radioactive dust
On two occasions during February dust from the Saharan has covered the French Alps and beyond. Blown North by Sirocco winds.
2021-02-28 22:42:58
The post climate change era
Announcing the last minute cancellation of the Trans-jurassienne long distance cross country skiing race today Marie-Guite Dufay, president of the regional government spoke of "adapting to the post cl
2020-02-03 14:33:52
Global warming "worse than forecast"
New climate change models from the prestigious French CNRS, CEA and Meteo France are forecasting that temperatures will rise by +7C by the end of the century with current rates of growth.
2019-09-18 08:39:59
Is summer skiing dead in France?
With the closure of the Deux Alpes glacier on the 7th August summer skiing is officially over in France and many are questioning how long the activity can continue.
2019-08-12 12:31:18
Do cross country skiers dream of electric piste bashers?
Well yes, it appears they do. At least if discussions on forums are anything to go by.
2019-06-11 09:21:51
390 billion tons of snow and ice vanish due to climate change
According to an article in USA Today, based on a report in Nature, the earth's glaciers and permanent snowfields are losing 390 billion tons of snow and ice each year.
2019-04-09 14:05:45
Wild Kong is dead
La Tania blog has reported that 200 kph winds have broken "Wild Kong", the statue by scupture Richard Orlinski, in two. He was positioned on top of the Saulire in Courchevel this winter.
2019-03-08 08:53:12
Sweden melts in the heat
Kebnekaise South ("Cauldron Ridge"), situated in the North-West of Sweden has ceded its crown of Sweden’s highest peak to its rocky northern top (2096.8 m).
2018-08-08 16:01:21
Hot and dry start to winter
Hot and dry, that’s how Meteo France sees the start to this winter in the southern half of Europe. So pretty much the same scenario as the last two years.
2017-10-30 14:40:48
Homo homini lupus
For Chiles Chabert "the most important animal in the mountains is Man and he himself needs protection".
2016-03-14 22:56:02